Today for Hurumanu 1 we had a part 2 of WW1 This is just a continue of my last blog post. For Hurumanu We answered questions about what types of methods they used to attack and types of things they used to survive.
Here are some more photos of my work :)
Explain the function of each of the following places found in a trench:
FIRESTEP: A ledge so soldiers could look over the top of a trench.
DUCKBOARDS: Plants laid over mud and floodwater.
DUGOUT A small whole in earth were soldiers could sleep.
PARAPET The front of the trenches made from sandbags or earths.
Name 2 diseases the soldiers caught in the trenches Trench foot and Lice
Which creatures carried diseases in the trenches? - Rats.
How many KMs of trenches had been dug by the end of the War? - 32,000 km
Write 3 sentences to explain ‘NO MAN’S LAND’ bThe area between the two front lines was known as no mans land because it didn’t belong to either side. It was lined with rows of barbed wire, To slow down attacks by the enemy. It was often full of dead and dying soldiers.
Write 3 facts about gas masks used in WWI and copy and paste a pic of one to complete.
The first british gas attack failed when the wind changed and blew the gas back towards the British.
The earliest gas masks were made from a pad of cotton soaked in water or soda.
Later in the war, soldiers were provided with specially made gas masks.