Today In HR we had a challenge, We had to write about a picture of a teacup in exactly 100 words. I made mine about a teacup that had been cursed whenever you drink out of it something happens to you but it keep appearing back into the kitchen. I found it difficult to think of a story line to write about.
Here is my 100 Words
. “Your Tea” Says the waitress “ Thank you” - Sips it - “Blah” This isn't very goo- ooh actually this feels weird what is happening”
“ Is everything alright ma’am?” “ Just a question Where has this teacup been?” “ Oh let me see that “ “ Oh yes this cup has been in many different stories it is very valuable and somehow it keeps making it way back to our kitchen”
“ Whats wrong with it?” “ Everytime a customer drinks it they feel funny and I don't know exactly but it turns them into something weird or gives them a really weird ghostly feeling like their not alive”