
Tuesday, 30 November 2021


 This term for Art we have been looking at different types of ways to use watercolour we had to try and practise different techniques on a piece of paper. 

One of the techniques was dilution which is just adding water to paint which is what we had to do to start our water painting. Next we had to try Glazing which is like putting a thin line of paint over another thin like of paint. After that we had to try Layering which is like applying a premixed colour over another wash to change its intesitity. Next was value or tone which is the range from light to dark of a colour to determine shadows and highlights of an object. Next is Intensity which is a colour's saturation brightness or strength. Next is Tint which is created by adding water to  the orignal colour and like the more water added would make the colour weaker and less intense. Next is Movement which is the effect you get when you let the water move around the pigment on the page. Next is water into colour which is when you use water to mix the paint on a palette then onto paper. Next is Colour into water which is where you paint the page with water first then add colour into it and the paint only goes wherever the water is. 

A few weeks later we just got given a piece of paper and practised drawing different flowers with watercolour for the next few weeks we just practised drawing different flowers with different watercolour techniques. Heres a picture of my peice of paper but I didn't get to try every different technique so I only have a few on my paper. I know the flower is horrible but here it is.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

The Empty Pot

 Today for Hurumanu 2 we had to listen to a story titled 'The empty pot' it was an online story and it was about a town that got given a seed they had to grow and whoever grew theirs the best got to be the new emperor but everyone could grow their flowers except for Ping and so he brought his empty pot with no flower to the emperor and he shown got given the role of he emporer because everybody else faked their flowers as the seeds were cooked so it was impossible for them to grow and the emporer knew Ping was telling the truth. We had to answer questions about it and then make a word search including some of the words from the story. Here are my questions and the word find I made.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Lisa Carrington

For Hurumanu the other week we looked at Lisa Carringto.  She is a New Zealander . She is 32 years old and weighs 53kg. She was born on the 23rd of June 1989. She was an Olympic gold medallist that does canoeing, She has attended 2012 Olympics as well as 2016,2011 and 2021 she won 5 gold medals and 1 bronze. She is doing an amazing job with her canoeing. She won 4 gold medals and 1 bronze. BYE


For the past few weeks in hurumanu we have been learning about the olympics. I worked in a 3 and we had to make a slideshow showing 5 people who competed since we worked n a 3 we done 15 athletes. We had multiple questions we had to answer about the people - they were all from NZ. All the information is on the slideshow here. :)

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Van Gogh Art.

 Today for Art we learnt about Van Gogh and his impasto painting we had to answer a few questions about the painting technique and about Van Gogh. I learnt more about how you can show your emotions in a painting and other stuff.

Thursday, 29 July 2021


 For Hurumanu 2 today we worked on Olympics we had a few pages of writing including answers and more text about the Olympics and we had to figure out the answer to some of the questions. Here is my writing.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Getting lit on fire.

Yesterday in science we were able to light out hands on fire. The first thing we done was everybody took their jackets off and tied there hair up. Then we lined up with safety googles and wet our arms and hands when it was our turn we had to scoop up some of the bubbles and go over to the spot on the floor that had a green towel on it in case anything dripped. The teacher put his lighter under the bubbles and we had our arms extended out as much as we could away from our face. When he lit us on fire we slowly turned our hands facing outwards so we are like stopping it when it got to hot for us we turned our hands out so the water didn't evaporate and start burning our skin. I will update this blog when I get photos.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021


 For Coding this term we have been doing hour of code its basically a game with lots of different types of coding games on it and we basically just went along with the game we chose and coded it we got to code games and play them when we were done. they are all step by step so its quite easy. I found this a little bit boring after a while but when we started it was fun because it was something new for me and it was quite fun. But after a while it got boring because it was repetitive. I also found it easy because it is step by step so you just have to follow the instructions. But for some of them you have to think what way they are turning or if they have to place a block or jump example, Minecraft. Here's a link so you can try. Hour of code

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Using a microscope

For today's science lesson we looked at microscopes and cells.We took a partner ( I was with 3 others instead of 1 ) We had to take a really small layer of an onion skin off of an onion and put it on a little clear slide. We put them under the microscope then looked at them. Some things came out pretty nice and we could see some lines and weird squiggly things.

Thursday, 20 May 2021


 Matariki is the Maori new year for all New Zealanders. 3 facts about Matariki. 

There was 7 stars but there has been 2 discovered because we couldn't see them.

Matariki is a star cluster not a constellation. 

Matariki has many different names around the world, but the most popular is Matariki.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Taste and Smell

 This term and a bit of last term we have been testing out our taste and smell. We started by taking 5 different lollies and closing our eyes and guessing what colour we thought it was. For another test we had 5 random foods we didn't know what they were then we closed our eyes and blocked out nose and guessed what we thought it was. The lolly one we made a graph concluding what the most colour guessed correct and wrong was. 

The method was to get a friend then take 5 different colour lollies/foods then close yours eyes and block your nose and eat one lolly/food piece and then guess what colour/food you think it is, after that you write down what you think it was and do that to every piece of food/lolly you have. Once you have done that you can see how many you got correct with your partner. Your partner would be giving you the lolly and keeping track of what you guessed and how many you got right. 

The results were that the most people (17) guessed the orange lolly right in our entire class, and yellow (9) was the colour that was guessed wrong the most. 14 guessed pink right 13 guessed purple right and 10 guessed green right. 

One last thing we done was a tongue test what we done was take 4 different white powders and then we tasted them and we had to identify what part of our tongue we could taste it in for example. We had baking powder, sugar, salt and citric acid we ate them and then we guessed what type of taste came from what part of the tongue - bitter, sour, sweet and salty. We guessed what part of the tongue we could taste the salt from, then sugar and so on. I'm going to put a picture of the tongue and tasting areas. 

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Beginning with the basics - Binary numbers

 Binary, Algorithm.  I will be coming back to finish this 

Binary is something that has to components (bi) Algorithm is a step by step process

Binary digits - O1 bits


A= 00001

B= 00010

C= 00011

D= 00100

E= 00101

F= 00110

G= 00111

H= 01000

I=  01001

J= 01010

K= 01011

L= 01100

M= 01101

N=  01110

O=  01111

P=  10000











Wednesday, 5 May 2021


 For the past 2 days my Wananga class has been writing about something called neuralink we had to write a sexy paragraph about it the "s" stands for statement. the "e" stands for example the "x" stands for  eXplanation - and the "y" stands for your opinion. It should make a paragraph when you are finished. I'm going to put my story / long paragraph into here so you can read it.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Pocket Rocket

 Pocket Rockets

During the last week of school last term we made something called pocket rockets they are small little things in a container that pop and shoot up in the air like a rocket but its pocket sized. It is made of 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda and 8ml vinegar. We made them in little containers and what we had to do was quickly shut the lid and then just wait. It either didn't do anything, fizzed a little or it would shoot off and act like a rocket. One group got theirs so high it got stuck on the roof. My group didn't get any success all of ours failed and didn't shoot off. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2021


 What is an acid?

An acid is something you can use in science and can be used for lots of different things. Acid is also dangerous and can hurt you in many ways. - Such as vinegar and lemon

What is an Alkali?

An Alkali is something that can be found in cleaning products- Soapy and slippery

For example, Water is Neutral , Hand wash is alkali and lemon juice is acid.

Indicators we used:

Cranberry Juice,tea, turmeric and universal indicator.

The colour changes: For Cranberry Juice it turned darker and Turned lighter for acid, turmeric didn't have much of a change but the change it had was a little darker.

This is the colour change you get with universal indicator
Red is acid, Green is neutral and blue is alkali

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Sports Heroes

 For the past few days we have been working on a slide about sports heroes, we had to write at least 2 for each slide but we also allowed to do only 1 for local and I added in an acting hero, I included where they were born,when they were born and some other facts about them.  Here's my slideshow of Heroes.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

World without wheels

For the past few days I have been writing a story about a world without wheels, we were allowed to make it where wheels are new and they have only just been invented. I finished my story and its about a world where wheels were hard to have because they weren't expensive but to them they were and people didn't have the money. I'll let you read it to find out the rest of the story. 

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Jelly Baby Osmosis Results

Jelly baby osmosis

What we done was fill up 3 petri dishes with different types of water, one being salt water,sugar water and regular water. We took 8 jelly baby's and put 2 in each and left 2 out to see the original form of the jelly baby.

What happened was they all grew a bit but the regular water one grew the least ours ( Erin,Maddison and Me ) fell apart when we were moving them from the petri dishes to a paper towel to observe. The sugar one and salt ones were really similar in shape and size but I personally think the sugar one grew a little more.

It happened because the jelly's took in the water and it grew, Some of the water has more sugar and more ingredients in the water so the sugar one would of affected the the jelly's the most because the water had sugar and the jelly's had sugar.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Skittle Experiment

 Yesterday for science we ( Me Keah and Gemeve ) done a skittle experiment we started with a little clear lid and base and filled it up with water about 3 quarters full. Then we got to grab up to 5 skittles we started with one of each colour red,orange,yellow,green and purple we placed them all round the water and watched the colour from the skittles fade away into the water. When all of them were finished we flipped them over gently so that the colour didn't mix. Once all of them finished we noticed how the colours stayed in their own little bubble of colour all of them formed into a little triangle in the corner of where they were placed. We mixed the colours together and it just made an ugly brown, then we done another one, The same thing happened to the second one. But we done it with orange and yellow skittles. :) Here's a little bit of some questions we answered.

Skittle Observations


  1.  ¾ fill a petri dish with water. 

  2. Carefully place 4 differently coloured skittles evenly spaced around the outside of the petri dish. 

  3. Watch...



  • What things did you notice?  Can you make five observations?

    •   The colours faded  from the skittles. 

    •   the skittles made lines in the water from where the skittle colour faded.

    •   It coloured the water.

    •   the water made the skittles drain the water 

    •   The coloured water mixed together and made an ugly colour

  • Did anything surprise you?  What weren’t you expecting to observe? 


I wasn’t expecting the colours to stay in their own bubble I thought they would automatically merge with their neighbours boarders and make a mixed colour line where they joined. - Ayla

Not really- Gemeve


  • What questions arose in your mind as you did this activity?

what colour is more dominant 

                            Why was the lines forming in the water from the skittles- Gemeve

Tuesday, 9 March 2021


 For the last few days we have been learning about the 28 Maori battalion soldiers we all read the boxes with the story's in them then we had to write and answer questions about them. We wrote them in our books the other day but we had to write them on a doc with better answers. I finished this doc with questions about the stretcher bearers, how people saved others lives that I've answered and more information about them. Here are some images of my answers and information.


Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Bunsen Flames

 Today/Yesterday for Science we set up the Bunsen burners and then figured out what the difference was between the safety flame ( orange ) temperature and roaring flame ( blue ) temperature on a Bunsen burner by warming Water. The starting temperature of the water ( in a beaker ) was 11 degrees then when we warmed the water for 5 minutes on a safety flame we got up to 50 degrees, The roaring flame also starting at 11 degrees it got up to 53 also warming for 5 minutes. 

Which wasn't much of a difference considering other groups got differences of 20--100. Then we had to figure out the average of all the groups temperatures by adding all the temperatures together then divide it by 7, I didn't figure it out but it was quite high with over 200 then divided it by 7 so it was around 35. Here's a photo of the roaring flame ( blue ) and the safety flame ( orange )

Evaluate the practical.
We need to make the test fair so that everyone is at the same stage and some people aren't struggling more than others.

We need to make sure everyone has the same thing and same equipment to keep it fair for everyone.

It was half and half a fair test because some people didn't warm it for exactly 5 minutes,some of us took the thermometer out early lastly people had different amounts of water.

this experiment could be improved by everyone starting and finishing at the same time all ready and have a specific measurement to make it as close as possible


 Today for science we are working on 2 things, One is learning how to use and light a Bunsen burner/Finding out this difference between when the air hole is closes and open. The other is learning all the safety rules of the lab. I'm going to list some of the safety rules that we have to follow around the lab. Including a picture of a table with information about the Bunsen burner.

Safety rules:

Hair up.                                                                                                                      

Safety glasses on.

Never sit down when your doing a practical.

Don't leave your practical alone.

Keep your bags out of the way and under a table.

Have shoes on that cover your feet properly.

If you spill or break anything make sure you tell a teacher.

No running around or being loud.

What is a community?

 Today in Wanaga we learnt about the word etymology and community, Etymology means "the study of the origin of words and the way in which the meanings have changed throughout history" To me a community is a group of people they could be gathering to celebrate something or a community in where you live, An event could be happening and a community could come to celebrate that event. Or a group of people that share something in common you have similar beliefs and have a connection with your community. Those are also some things that make a good community, coming together,having a connection or sharing the same interests with people. 

A community could be as big as it needs to be,hundreds,thousands of people. The word community comes from and old french with 2 etymologys of the word community is comunete - it means people with the same interests which fits into what a good community is. Another etymology of community is communitas - it is a Latin noun usually referring to an unstructured community where people are often the same/equal. Im a part of a few communitys - Hornby community - Hornby high Community and also one with my Family - We all are apart of a few communitys.