I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Jelly Baby Osmosis Results
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Skittle Experiment
Yesterday for science we ( Me Keah and Gemeve ) done a skittle experiment we started with a little clear lid and base and filled it up with water about 3 quarters full. Then we got to grab up to 5 skittles we started with one of each colour red,orange,yellow,green and purple we placed them all round the water and watched the colour from the skittles fade away into the water. When all of them were finished we flipped them over gently so that the colour didn't mix. Once all of them finished we noticed how the colours stayed in their own little bubble of colour all of them formed into a little triangle in the corner of where they were placed. We mixed the colours together and it just made an ugly brown, then we done another one, The same thing happened to the second one. But we done it with orange and yellow skittles. :) Here's a little bit of some questions we answered.
Skittle Observations
¾ fill a petri dish with water.
Carefully place 4 differently coloured skittles evenly spaced around the outside of the petri dish.
What things did you notice? Can you make five observations?
The colours faded from the skittles.
the skittles made lines in the water from where the skittle colour faded.
It coloured the water.
the water made the skittles drain the water
The coloured water mixed together and made an ugly colour
Did anything surprise you? What weren’t you expecting to observe?
I wasn’t expecting the colours to stay in their own bubble I thought they would automatically merge with their neighbours boarders and make a mixed colour line where they joined. - Ayla
Not really- Gemeve
What questions arose in your mind as you did this activity?
what colour is more dominant
Why was the lines forming in the water from the skittles- Gemeve
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
For the last few days we have been learning about the 28 Maori battalion soldiers we all read the boxes with the story's in them then we had to write and answer questions about them. We wrote them in our books the other day but we had to write them on a doc with better answers. I finished this doc with questions about the stretcher bearers, how people saved others lives that I've answered and more information about them. Here are some images of my answers and information.
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Bunsen Flames
Today/Yesterday for Science we set up the Bunsen burners and then figured out what the difference was between the safety flame ( orange ) temperature and roaring flame ( blue ) temperature on a Bunsen burner by warming Water. The starting temperature of the water ( in a beaker ) was 11 degrees then when we warmed the water for 5 minutes on a safety flame we got up to 50 degrees, The roaring flame also starting at 11 degrees it got up to 53 also warming for 5 minutes.
Which wasn't much of a difference considering other groups got differences of 20--100. Then we had to figure out the average of all the groups temperatures by adding all the temperatures together then divide it by 7, I didn't figure it out but it was quite high with over 200 then divided it by 7 so it was around 35. Here's a photo of the roaring flame ( blue ) and the safety flame ( orange )
Evaluate the practical.Science
Today for science we are working on 2 things, One is learning how to use and light a Bunsen burner/Finding out this difference between when the air hole is closes and open. The other is learning all the safety rules of the lab. I'm going to list some of the safety rules that we have to follow around the lab. Including a picture of a table with information about the Bunsen burner.
Safety rules:
Hair up.
Safety glasses on.
Never sit down when your doing a practical.
Don't leave your practical alone.
Keep your bags out of the way and under a table.
Have shoes on that cover your feet properly.
If you spill or break anything make sure you tell a teacher.
No running around or being loud.
What is a community?
Today in Wanaga we learnt about the word etymology and community, Etymology means "the study of the origin of words and the way in which the meanings have changed throughout history" To me a community is a group of people they could be gathering to celebrate something or a community in where you live, An event could be happening and a community could come to celebrate that event. Or a group of people that share something in common you have similar beliefs and have a connection with your community. Those are also some things that make a good community, coming together,having a connection or sharing the same interests with people.
A community could be as big as it needs to be,hundreds,thousands of people. The word community comes from and old french with 2 etymologys of the word community is comunete - it means people with the same interests which fits into what a good community is. Another etymology of community is communitas - it is a Latin noun usually referring to an unstructured community where people are often the same/equal. Im a part of a few communitys - Hornby community - Hornby high Community and also one with my Family - We all are apart of a few communitys.