This term and a bit of last term we have been testing out our taste and smell. We started by taking 5 different lollies and closing our eyes and guessing what colour we thought it was. For another test we had 5 random foods we didn't know what they were then we closed our eyes and blocked out nose and guessed what we thought it was. The lolly one we made a graph concluding what the most colour guessed correct and wrong was.
The method was to get a friend then take 5 different colour lollies/foods then close yours eyes and block your nose and eat one lolly/food piece and then guess what colour/food you think it is, after that you write down what you think it was and do that to every piece of food/lolly you have. Once you have done that you can see how many you got correct with your partner. Your partner would be giving you the lolly and keeping track of what you guessed and how many you got right.
The results were that the most people (17) guessed the orange lolly right in our entire class, and yellow (9) was the colour that was guessed wrong the most. 14 guessed pink right 13 guessed purple right and 10 guessed green right.
One last thing we done was a tongue test what we done was take 4 different white powders and then we tasted them and we had to identify what part of our tongue we could taste it in for example. We had baking powder, sugar, salt and citric acid we ate them and then we guessed what type of taste came from what part of the tongue - bitter, sour, sweet and salty. We guessed what part of the tongue we could taste the salt from, then sugar and so on. I'm going to put a picture of the tongue and tasting areas.