In maths we are learning about directions. we listened to the story we are going on a bear hunt. We picked out the obstacles in the story. We then drew a map of the story. We had to carefully think about what directions to send the reader in and how long we used the directions North,South,East and West. we drawn a map of a house and all of the obstacles. behind it the first one long wet squishy grass. then a river,Mud ( which I put a pig on for fun ) a forest,a rainstorm and then you reach the cave with the bear in it.
I found easy drawing the picture and making the map
I found challenging what to say to put them in the right lengths for how far apart the obstacles are.
my coordinates with my picture:
1. Go 200m north east.
2.Go threw the grass.
3.Go another 200m west.
4.Go threw the river.

5.Go 300m threw the mud and the pig.
6.Go north 50m then turn east
7. Go threw the forest.
8.Go north east to meet a rain forest.
9.Go threw the rain storm
10. Go west to met the bear in a cave.
Hey Piggyo I really liked your blog post!. I love how you put your steps on your blog post along with your picture. When I was little I would always love that story! But maybe next time you could say how much you liked drawing the picture or not and Why