The last one was about the Maori arriving and this one is about what they named the land. How they battled. Musket wars and how they arrived.
It turns out there were more Maori people then Pakeha in 1840 Maori:40 and Pakeha:1
1642 Was the year the first European arrived. There were some names of specific people who played main roles 3 being James cook who was the next explorer to arrive in Aotearoa in 1769, Tūpaia Who was the chief navigator helping the explorers and lastly Abel Tasman who was the first European to arrive in Aotearoa.
Next question was the name that they gave the land - New Zealand - They named it Nouveau Zelandia.
Something that they had war with was a Musket. A Musket is a gun like rifle, They had wars with them that ended in late 1830's.
But the last question is What did the Europeans brought to Aotearoa, They brought Pigs,Potatoes,Rats and Diseases.
Here is a photo of Abel Tasman and James Cook
Hi Ayla
ReplyDeleteWell done on explaining our history in your own words and adding images of Abel Tasman and Captain Cook.
Mrs Hastie