For the last week or 2 we have been watching a movie called the
Martians this next few sentences are spoilers for the movie so don't read them if you don't want spoilers :) So the movie is about an ares III Crew who are completing a mission on mars,and a big storm comes and they have to abort the mission or risk getting injured so they decide to leave the mission but one of the crew members Mark gets hit by a debris and is lost in the storm so the rest of the crew thinks that Mark is dead and they leave without him and his body is still on the planet. The next morning when the crew is gone and headed back home Mark wakes up and he finds himself with low oxygen level and a screw or something in his wound. After that he goes and starts to plant left over thanksgiving dinner into crops so he can supply more food for himself to last,His wound it also treated and he is trying to communicate with NASA To tell them that he is alive but Teddy sanders on of the NASA Directors sees things moving on ares III and figures out hes alive.He then keeps on planting his food rationing it out every night to save it. Then the crew turns their spacecraft back around and goes to save Mark then run into problems and he is floating in the top part of his space craft and they have to set one of the crew members out to get him. They eventually get him and pull Mark back to the space craft and they return home.The last shot is of the crew continuing their own lives and Mark is now working as a NASA survival instructor. After surviving 560 sol days on mars. If your wondering Mark lived 560 sol days so on earth 560 sol days would be 575.4 Days. Here is a photo of my worksheet I had to complete and write about the movie.
I found it hard to put the story in my own words but make it make sense.
I found it easy to think of what to write but it didn't come out making sense.

Excellent attention to detail Ayla. I think your overview makes very good sense and it's clear that you understand the plot. You've recorded the events in sequence and should be proud of your work. Well done